The hachnasas orchim in Meron was first founded some 500 years ago by the Arizal, who sent his great student Rabbi Avraham Galanti to construct the building above the grave. Rabbi Galanti, with him setting aside a special place for food preparation and cooking as a hachnasas orchim.
This custom continued for centuries, until the times of the pogroms at the end of the 5600s (1920s and 1930s).
During the War of Independence, Yossi Gelilee, z”l, came with a group of soldiers to Mount Meron and promised before driving out the terrorists that if the operation would succeed he would restore the tradition of the Ari and establish a hachnasas orchim on the site.
Following the operation’s success, Yossi Gelilee began to work to establish a hachnasas orchim in Meron.
In 5720 (1960), Rabbi Meir Carlebach and his partners banded together to expand the hachnasas orchim by positioning themselves close to the kever of Rashbi in Meron, to provide food and drink to all those visiting Meron, free of charge.
Over the years, the hachnasas orchim has become a place for every visitor to Meron, to refresh himself with a hot drink in the winter or a cold one in the summer, and enjoy a filling and nutritious meal at no cost.
As the number of olei regel increased, it became necessary to expand and institutionalize the operation, to the point where it began to operate within the courtyard of Rashbi’s cave, where the historic well which was established by Sir Moses Montefiore had been built. The Meron hachnasas orchim settled on the site of the well, and expanded its activities from there to help those visiting the tziyun.
In merit of the unique location next to the Rashbi’s grave, we established the Petach Hamearah Yeshivas Hamekubalim in Meron, with the brachah of gedolim. Every night the yeshivah’s rabbonim sit learning Zohar, from midnight until daybreak, the most auspicious hours of the day, to annul all the dinim and bring merit to the Jewish nation.
In recent years, due to the worsening economic situation in Israel, our organization has expanded its operations to distributing food baskets to families in need all over Israel, in the tradition of Rashbi who said that he could exempt the entire world from judgement.
To continue this holy work for the zechus of Am Yisroel, we need your help!
Click here to donate!
Hours of activity:
Sunday-Thursday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Shabbos – all Shabbos seudos