    סוף זמן ק"ש:
    סוף זמן תפילה:
    חצות היום:
    מנחה גדולה:

    Connect with Rashbi, now

    Today too, hundreds of thousands of people choose to be connected with Rashbi and bring light into their lives, for supernatural yeshuos and success in every area!

    Through your connection with Rashbi, you too will become a partner in our important activities in the merit of the holy Rashbi in Meron: in the  renowned hachnasas orchim (hospitality), the Yeshivas Hamekubalim, and the distribution of food baskets to needy families, which have been operating unceasingly since 1948.

    In addition, you can:

    Lighting the candle of yeshuos at the tziyun of Rashbi

    Do you need a yeshuah? Light a candle at Rashbi’s tziyun in Meron

    Lighting a candle at the grave of Rashbi in Meron can illuminate a supernatural yeshuah for every one of us, and shower heavenly abundance on all the donors!

    There is no one who hasn’t heard at least one of the hundreds of stories of yeshuos which have been published throughout the Jewish world about those who donate and partner in the candle of yeshuos at Rashbi’s grave in Meron. This is your opportunity for a supernatural yeshuah!

    If you, too, need a yeshuah, this is the time to light a candle at the tziyun of Rashbi in Meron, for your zechus!

    Submit a kvittel with your personal request

    Do you have a personal request? Send a kvittel

    In times of trouble, we have the custom in Klal Yisrael to send a person’s name and that of their mother for tefillos at Rashbi’s kever in Meron, write their name on a kvittel and place it in the box next to the holy tziyun until the promised yeshuah arrives. Over the years, thousands have already seen a yeshuah in merit of the kvittel at Rashbi’s tziyun in Meron.

    This is your opportunity, too, to merit a supernatural yeshuah, by submitting a kvittel to Rashbi’s grave in Meron!

    The shirayim of the oil from the Kever HaRashbi in Meron

    Is someone sick? This oil can bring a yeshuah!

    For hundreds of years, an olive oil flame has burned unceasingly above Rashbi’s grave and at the Cave Entrance in Meron, in a tradition passed down from father to son. The shirayim (remnants) of the oil are traditionally known to bring yeshuah and are a cure for all kinds of injuries and sicknesses.

    If you, too, need a cure, order the shirayim of the oil from Rashbi’s grave in Meron right now!

    Tikkun and pidyon nefesh at the entrance to Rashbi’s cave

    Do you want to increase your zechuyos?

    Every night at midnight, a minyan of rabbonim sit in the Yeshivas Hamekubalim at the entrance to Rashbi’s cave in Meron, studying the Zohar and davening for the Jewish nation and the nullification of all dinim

    Stories of

    supernatural yeshuos

    The housing crisis which was solved in a surprising manner

    Just when the contract was about to be cancelled, the couple managed to find the …

    The miraculous rescue from a head-on crash on the way to Meron

    A head-on crash prevented at the last minute on the road to Meron…

    Rabbi Shimon sent angels to look after the child

    The baby carriage was rolling down to the road, but Rashbi sent an angel to look after it…

    A strike from the Heavens to one who harmed Rashbi’s tziyun

    The War of Independence, 5708 (1948). The soldiers of the 7th Armored Brigade 

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    השליחים לישועה שלכם אצל הרשבי בכל יום