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    Together we’ll win.

    Breaking news:

    Hachnasas Orchim Rashbi
    joins the war effort

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    The State of Israel is facing a threat to its very existence, posed by barbaric terrorists from both the South and the North

    We will help the Israeli army win by boosting their morale

    Hundreds of thousands of soldiers have been called up to reserve duty. They’re guarding the border and battling enemies who seek to destroy us!

    The divisions stationed in the North are responsible for a highly volatile area, facing a cruel and highly well-equipped enemy.

    We must help our soldiers and give them strength!

    With the assistance of dozens of volunteers, Hachnasas Orchim Rashbi is going to the army bases every night with boundless enthusiasm, and all the supplies needed to give our soldiers a good meal and a good mood.

    We bring them a delicious, fresh dinner, special treats, make barbecues, entertain the troops, and also provide them with important gear needed for the winter weather in the north of Israel / Lebanon.

    We bring light and delight to the army bases Donate now to give strength to our soldiers

    Join us & share the opportunity with friends


    Fighting on the front lines
    with high morale

    Food trucks on every base + An uplifting atmosphere + Treats and vital gear

    כאיש אחד בלב אחד
    As one person with one heart
    דואגים לכל חייל
    Taking care of every soldier
    אלפי חיילים חוגגים עם ארוחות חמות מפנקות
    Thousands of soldiers enjoying a fresh, homemade dinner
    אוטו-אוכל מלא בכל טוב לחיילים שלנו
    A food truck filled with everything our soldiers could want
    במלחמה הזו, כולנו עם אחד!! רק ככה ננצח
    Am Yisrael is united. That’s the only way we’ll win this war!
    כל החיילים מתפנקים
    Because they deserve it
    מנצחים רק עם השמחה
    Simchah raises their spirit
    רק ביחד ננצח! נותנים את הלב לחיילים שלנו
    Giving from all our hearts to our soldiers.
    כח השמחה
    The power of joy. The power of kindness.
    מאות קילו בשרים בכל ערב
    Hundreds of kilos of meat every night

    Full protection for our soldiers

    Help supply warm blankets and winter gear

    Send a personal note on behalf of a soldier or captive to Rashbi’s tziyun

    Request prayers at the tziyun of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai for the safety of the soldiers and captives, and for victory in the war

    We bring light and delight to the army bases Donate now to give strength to our soldiers

    Join us & share the opportunity with friends

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