    סוף זמן ק"ש:
    סוף זמן תפילה:
    חצות היום:
    מנחה גדולה:

    A tikkun yeshuos and pidyon nefesh

    at Rashbi’s tziyun

    There is a tikkun yeshuos and pidyon nefesh every night at midnight – a minyan of rabbonim sit in the Yeshivas Hamekubalim at the entrance to Rashbi’s cave in Meron, studying the Zohar and praying for the Jewish nation.
    By donating to the Yeshivas Hamekubalim at the entrance to the cave you can merit yeshuos and a personal pidyon nefesh, for a supernatural yeshuah!

    מתגעגעים לרשב"י?

    השליחים לישועה שלכם אצל הרשבי בכל יום